Tag Archives: Walking

{Poof} And It’s Gone

30 Mar

Ok, raise of hands … who out there has been working on a computer project either on your desktop or via remote and ‘poof’ it just disappears!  When you mistakenly press the backspace button as your text is highlighted at least you can press ‘undo’ or in most cases software automatically saves so you can recover some items … but, when working on a remote server sometimes those numinous gnomes tiptoe in to capture your work {just for fun} and take it away to their hidden gnome world, well, *huge sigh* there are no words.  Last night I was working on a project in a free trial software and after reading all the guidelines and after at least 6 hours of work on the project ‘poof’ all of my work … gone to gnomeville!  Apparently I didn’t find the tiniest of fine print that told me I shouldn’t waste my time creating this project because a free trial doesn’t necessarily mean you can fully use the project’s tools … ahhhhhh!  My husband said I handled the situation very gracefully *wink* but, unfortunately I have to start the project all over again and, most importantly, I cannot get my precious time back.  On the positive side, I did go for a long walk yesterday … whooo hoooo!

Have a great day and stay on the lookout for those ‘cute’ gnomes!  Enjoy L!

Walking {My Body Says Thank You}

29 Mar

As I get older it gets harder and harder to move my body to keep fit.  My life is so full {all good} but it’s hard to fit one more thing into my day.  I know how important it is to exercise your heart yet I seem to skip that part every day coming up with some excuse why I can’t go for a walk, do some yoga or stretch into some Pilates.  When I do focus on calisthenics I feel that other parts of my life get pushed aside.  I need to remember it’s all about balance – to manage my activities based on family, health, career and friends.  I feel so much more alive when I can move my body for about an hour.  I think I am more productive, happy and focused and, in turn, end up getting more accomplished than I realize.  All aspects of my life are essential but without my body I can’t enjoy any of those significant moments.  Ok, let’s get moving … *wink*

Here are some inspirational life and walking books you might … Enjoy L!

A Life in Balance

Guide to Walking

A Walk in the Woods

The Reflecting Walk

13 Mar

Walking along the street the other day I came across a man probably in his 70’s walking his round, happy dog.  I stopped and chatted with him for a bit – mostly small talk about the weather.  His smile comforted me, his heart was gentle and he seemed like he had a lifetime of stories to share to whoever was willing to listen.  As we parted ways, I continued on my ‘exercise’ walk thinking about this gentle, older man and if he had someone he was walking home too.  Will he go home to an empty house?  Does he have friends who will keep him company when he is lonely?  Well, I know his faithful companion, who was probably 70’s in doggie years too, keeps him company but is that enough, I thought.  I have always had an affinity for the elderly.  They have so many life stories and wisdoms to share with us and sometimes I think they just get forgotten about – lost in the shuffle of life.  When moments present themselves, I drink in every second I can with someone older than myself… my Mom or Dad, a family friend, or even a stranger on the street.  I hope in some small way I can let them know … ‘you matter and you are loved!”

Here are some ideas to reach out to your local wisdom-filled people … Enjoy!

Adopt a Grandparent

Assisted Living Resource

Helping Ideas