Tag Archives: The Secret

My Silly Life View

28 Mar

Do you know the song ‘Silly Love Song’ by Paul McCartney?  I was listening to this song the other day and thought … hmmmm I do believe this is how I feel most of the time.  I look at life with such a child-like, romantic view … some would say it is a ‘silly life view’.  I am tremendously optimistic most of the time always looking at the glass half full so to speak.  So what’s wrong with living in a silly love song every day?  I wish more people could experience the pure joy of living a sanguine life.  Yes, I am totally and completely in love with my husband but I think that love is magnified by my desire to live simply in love with life.  Don’t be shy … go ahead and live a silly love song!

Here are some {not so silly} books you might … Enjoy L!

Love Is A Mix Tape

The Other Side of Desire

The Secret