Tag Archives: Self-Discovery

The Unusual Housewife

6 Apr

Embracing the ‘real you’, that’s what I’m all about theses days.  I have discovered the ‘real me’ totally dislikes some of the a-typical housewife stuff and finally, after many years, I have become totally at peace with that part of my life!  Like cooking for example – can I cook, of course, but I dislike the act of cooking.  Maybe it’s the science of the task … or maybe it’s being alone in the kitchen … or maybe it’s a combination of a lot of not so great memories, whatever the reason I just dislike cooking.  I always thought I ‘had’ to like it, that something was terribly wrong with me.  I’m a wife and mom who unconditionally loves her family so why don’t I enjoy cooking for them?  So after years of soul-searching I discovered that wife + mom + cooking doesn’t = love.  I don’t have to enjoy cooking or be a great cook to love and care for my family.  I care for them in so many other ‘Lisa’ ways {and they seem to like my mommyness *wink*}.  Yes, thankfully I have a husband who is an Executive Chef by career so he takes care of our bellies {it’s wonderful to have someone who can complete you}.  Are there times in my life that I have to do things that I dislike … yes absolutely, but when I have embraced my ‘real self’ and understand my dislikes I think the task at hand isn’t so terrible.   Then I become a better ‘me’ and can use my innate gifts in a more complete way to love and care for everyone around me!  So …

Be your be,

You your you,

for that is all good and true!


Here are some great books you might … Enjoy L!

{thank you everyone for supporting my little book shop … so very grateful!}

Be Happy

Enjoy Life
