Tag Archives: relationship

My Little Sunshine

18 Mar

When my little girl was born I loved staying home and raising my little sunshine.  It was a joy to be a new Mom and experience the wonderments of nurturing a little baby, then a toddler, then a young lady.  We would spend hours reading, playing and coloring.  I still have a pair of {yes, bell bottom jeans} that have holes in the knees from crawling around on the floor with her.  As I was remembering those blissful times with my daughter, a 12-bar blues song recorded by The Ames Brothers in the 1940’s {Ragg Mopp} started playing on the crooners Itune station.  A huge smile painted my face … the song reminded me of a Sesame Street song the Muppets sang.  What was that song … hmmm … oh yah, it was the ABC Hip Hop song!  Wow … then, memories of the Muppet’s interpretation of ‘Colambo’ came flooding back!  Just beyond too cute!  I always thought that Sesame Street created skits not only to educate our children but to amuse us ‘stay at home Mom’s’ too!  Hey, when your whole day is spent without any adult stimulating conversations and you start getting upset with yourself for coloring outside the lines a good laugh is so delicious!  I treasure each and every moment I spent with my little sunshine in the 80’s and can’t wait to experience more of those wonderments with my grandchildren someday!

Enjoy L!

Mo-Mop-Mopp {Ragg Mopp} -The Muppet Show

Sesame Street – Colambo solves “The Great Plum Plunder”

You are my SunShine {a song I sang to Ashley}

Beauty thru Despair

15 Mar

Today I saw this image on the Internet and thought ‘wow, what a beautiful picture!’.  As I read the article I was quickly saddened to know that this picture reflects the effects on the earth by the recent events in Japan.  Such beauty and art in this image yet beneath the surface is devastation, sorrow and homelessness among other tragedies.  These mixed emotions brought a sense of wonderment to me.  The polarity between beauty and despair never felt so real.  It’s occasionally difficult to see the beauty in everyday life when sorrow is all around you.  Don’t you find it so easy to remember the not so pleasant things in life and yet the hundreds of happy, beautiful moments seem to escape our souls.  Today I will fill my heart with the joy in seeing the beauty all around me, take each step with thankfulness and send positive energy to the many people living in sorrow around the world.  The sun will shine again … and feel good!

Songs to inspire … Enjoy L !

Nickelback – If Today Was Your Last Day

Celine Dion – Miles To Go (Before I Sleep)

Michael Bolton – Crazy Love

The Reflecting Walk

13 Mar

Walking along the street the other day I came across a man probably in his 70’s walking his round, happy dog.  I stopped and chatted with him for a bit – mostly small talk about the weather.  His smile comforted me, his heart was gentle and he seemed like he had a lifetime of stories to share to whoever was willing to listen.  As we parted ways, I continued on my ‘exercise’ walk thinking about this gentle, older man and if he had someone he was walking home too.  Will he go home to an empty house?  Does he have friends who will keep him company when he is lonely?  Well, I know his faithful companion, who was probably 70’s in doggie years too, keeps him company but is that enough, I thought.  I have always had an affinity for the elderly.  They have so many life stories and wisdoms to share with us and sometimes I think they just get forgotten about – lost in the shuffle of life.  When moments present themselves, I drink in every second I can with someone older than myself… my Mom or Dad, a family friend, or even a stranger on the street.  I hope in some small way I can let them know … ‘you matter and you are loved!”

Here are some ideas to reach out to your local wisdom-filled people … Enjoy!

Adopt a Grandparent

Assisted Living Resource

Helping Ideas

A Twinkle in the Air

12 Mar

What creates a twinkle in your eye? That sparkle that you get lost in and surrounds your being with everything good and electrifying.  As I pondered on this question, I remembered the time I spent falling in love with my husband.  On one of our dates we spent literally hours by the ocean just lost in each other’s eyes (and lips) !  During those hours nothing else existed in this world but the twinkle in each other’s eyes.  You always try to recapture those ‘twinkle in your eye’ moments, understandably so since they felt so very good, but never think you can reach that unique, electrifying moment again.  I believe those particular moments are with us just in new and different forms, AND, you get to keep the many ‘twinkle in your eye’ moments you’ve had so far in your memory for the rest of your life … pretty sweet!  I would like to take this moment to invite you to remember those glorious, blissful, bravura moments now … drink in the beauty … and rest in the love!

Some places that have put a ‘twinkle in my eye’ … Enjoy!

Anchorage By The Sea

The Harborside Hotel

The Breakers

Puppy Love

11 Mar

Today I am reflecting on thankfulness and the many blessing in my life but some days it’s not so easy for those ‘gratefuls’ to come to the beautiful light.  One of the gentle reminders I have in my life to bring me to those humble, grateful places, my puppy Tawnie Brie.  When I come home from work there she is filled with unconditional love for me.  Wagging her small tail … admiring me with her wide eyes … bursting at the puppy seams to give me her gentle kisses … with nothing on her mind but pure and utter love.  It doesn’t matter to her that someone wasn’t nice to me today, it doesn’t matter to her that money is short this month and it doesn’t matter to her that it’s raining outside.  All she desires? … to sit in my lap and be with me in the purest of ways.  She brings a happiness to my heart that is beyond any words.  If I can look past my human struggles of the day and simply look down at her … problems seem to melt away and totally become less significant.  Back to a thankful Lisa … ‘Ok, Tawnie Brie, let’s go for a walk’ …

If you are looking for a companion like Tawnie Brie here are some wonderful organizations to get you started … Enjoy!

Animal Rescue League of Boston



Summer Breeze

4 Mar

As the spring and summer months approach us here in New England (and boy, do I need some natural vitamin D!) I think about the feelings that surround those months for me.  I was such a ‘tom-boy’ when I was in elementary school.  I loved climbing trees, making discoveries in the woods behind my house, riding bikes and skateboards and, most of all, lying in the grass on a warm summer day looking up at the blue sky filled with puffy white clouds and daydreaming away.  The smells of the fresh cut grass, the warm breeze against my cheek, and the sounds of the birds happily singing to one another – all was right and free and good with my world. 

I think about those happy memories of long ago and, in turn, I am filled with happiness today.  Do you ever notice how easily it is to remember the sad, unpleasant moments in your life?  The goods moments just seem to vanish in the haze of our minds.  I make a very conscious effort every day to bring all of the good memories to the forefront of my mind and let go of the unpleasant ones into that warm breeze of summer.  Then every day I can live in all that is right and free and good with the world around me.

Some of my favorite summer tunes to get you in the ‘summer mood’ … Enjoy!

Summer Breeze

Here Comes The Sun


Art * Heal * Smile

2 Mar

Do you remember opening up a new, large Crayola crayons box?  Smelling the new contents, admiring the brilliant colors, using the soft yet sharp new points and feeling the softness of the paper wrappers?  When you put that crayon to paper nothing stopped you from creating a work of art.  Whatever came to your mind was all good and true.  What you drew with those colors was the most beautiful creation in the world!  You felt happy!  Art therapy brings out those blissful, care-free, enjoyable, child-like feelings which can translate into healing.  What is art therapy?  It is the use of creative activities related to the visual arts to improve physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual well-being.   When you engage in the creative process of an art therapy session, it can lead to self awareness and understanding and, in turn, can assist in the healing process.  When you simply take the time to admire a beautiful piece of art the feelings that are evoked sometimes make a tremendous difference in how we live and think.  You may even reduce stress by actively or visually partaking in the arts.  Art is admired and created every day.  I am thankful it also brings healing to many amazing people as well.

Here is an article about the healing qualities of art and some of my favorite art suppliers … Enjoy!

Art Therapy

Jerry’s Artarama

CC Lowell


1 Mar

On and off throughout my life I have pondered this question … how can people achieve true happiness!  I talk to many different individuals during my week – all ages, all income levels, all degrees of health, all races, all different religions and all different ways of life.  What I have come to trust is just one simple truth – true happiness is achieved when you do not seek true happiness.  It is something that drips from your soul naturally when you are not looking outside yourself for contentment.  When you put others first, when you give your time unconditionally, when you take the time to truly listen to another, when you open yourself up to love – these are just some of the freeing acts through which true happiness can be felt.  You aren’t seeking happiness when you are giving or opening up to the possibilities in life.  Your mind is on something or someone else …  happiness is merely just there, inside you.  And gosh, you feel so in love with life when you are dressed in happiness! 

Here are some links that might you might … Enjoy!

A Simple Life 

A Happy Life 

A Purpose To Life

The Flavor of Life

27 Feb

Ok, my very talented husband, Randy, is a genius when it comes to flavor combinations!  I didn’t realize how much chemistry is actually involved in cooking.  He has his degree in Oceanography but has made his 25 year career as an Executive Chef -including his team receiving the Five Diamond Award!  Maybe it’s all the scientific training he has completed or maybe it’s his years in the industry or maybe it’s his incredible creativity or maybe it’s a pinch of everything.  Whatever the reason, I am amazed by the flavor combinations he creates.  Today he says ‘you know, it may sound unconventional but Samuel Adams beer and Cheerios would taste incredibly great together’ … really! Sam Adams Beer and Cheerios!  He said the grain flavors together would be phenomenal!  I personally haven’t tried this entrée (not a big fan of beer) but I trust his talent. 

Randy adds flavor to my meals and to my life everyday!  The love we have for each other is beyond words and sometimes I cannot verbally explain how well we go together.  The flavor he brings to my life tastes likes unconditional love mixed with unselfishness with a gallon of passion.  We think of the other before ourselves and that recipe is the tastiest treat you could ever devour!  We all could partake in such a recipe, oh I mean relationship … you just need the right ingredients!


One of Randy’s favorite chefs, Jacques Pepin and one of his favorite breweries, Samuel Adams