Tag Archives: project

Mixing It Up

20 May

There is something really awesome about creating mixed-media art!  The textures, the dimensions, the colors … combining these aspects with different papers, nature, antiques, {the list goes on} … it’s one of my many creative passions.  I like to capture the essence of life around me, the life of the past and the possible life of the future in a dimensional form.  For instance, I just love little quaint villages.  The shops you can poke through, the ‘family’ type of feel you experience when you visit them and the easy, relaxed atmosphere the surrounds you.  So, in my latest creative adventure, I wanted to try and capture the many emotions that we experience upon a visit to a ‘village’ and I placed my focus on the beauty of yarns.  I created a ‘village-like’ store front painting in watercolors and ‘mixed it up’ by adding beautiful yarns and a pair of antique scissors.  I hope, when people view my interpretation, they get drawn into the feelings I am creating, can experience the essence of a village and then happily evoke their own love for these special corners of our world.  The possibilities are endless as to what I can capture dimensionally!  Hmmm … my creative mind is primed … now, what to ‘mix up’ next is the question!

Artfully Yours, L   


11 Mar

It is always so hard for me to start a project!  Why is that?  Whether it is an art project, home project, graphic design project or any other kind of project – I just find it so tough to make the steps to actually begin.  I have the project planed out in my head, I have full understanding of the project, I approach each project with love and the desire to complete it successfully yet the mystery lies in the actual motion of the ‘start’.  Once I have begun the task at hand I am good to go.  The project flows and is usually completed in success.  As I pondered this attribute in myself I wonder if the problem arises with the perfectionist trait I believe I carry.  It’s funny, my nature radiates non-perfection.  I don’t live my life wondering if people like me or my work, I don’t live my life making choices based on popular option, I don’t live my life pleasing others, but I do create high expectations of myself.  So how do I let go of all the high expectations and move to a place where I can simply say ‘hey, Que sera, sera’? Daily practice in thinking outside myself and more focus on the fun, blissful, thrilling, passionate attributes of the project I have before me.  Sounds like a plan!  Ok, now, let’s get started!

Here are some books that you might … Enjoy!

Choosing Simplicity

The Little Book of Calm

Beachcombing at Miramar