Tag Archives: painting

Pursuing the Ideas {I} Love

11 Apr

Sometimes I run out of {metaphoric} breath trying to catch all the ideas that are running around in my head.  I think of a design, get excited about creating it to fruition then, oh, wait, here comes another idea … and the chase is on.  *wink* I end up with 20 ideas in my head, out of breath {well just figuratively} and not enough time to create all of them.  How do I pick and select the ones to focus on? All are good and exciting.  I think creative people always see the wonderfulness in almost everything around them which makes it difficult to focus on one of the greatnesses.  I sometimes get a bit frustrated and feel like I haven’t accomplished anything because I have too many ideas I’m chasing.  So here is my little ‘Lisa’ solution that has worked for me … I simply write all of my ideas in my creative journal (that’s the catching them part), then , depending on my time during any particular day, I focus on just one idea.  Now, here’s the secret … I have to be HAPPY with my choice for the day.  Let the fact I didn’t get to everything be ok!  I will eventually get to that project … hey, I’m only one girl.  Sounds simple but the ‘letting go and being ok’ plan is the toughest part. 

How do you pursue all of your ideas? 

Make your day a happy one … the ‘production’ of the day will fall into place and be good!

Enjoy L!