Tag Archives: Marketing

Any New Fresh Marketing Ideas?

14 Apr

We all try to ‘get noticed’ regarding our businesses and careers.  Do you ever wonder if you are doing enough to get noticed?   I wonder sometimes about the avenues I use to sell my art work.  I certainly don’t want to live as a starving artist *wink*  I try to approach my work as a marketable artifact as much as artful beauty so I can ultimately boost my visibility and, hopefully, my sales.  I try to use as many fresh ideas as I can and get the word out in as many ways as possible.  Here are some of the things I do to help my sales;  Networking with other artists, a complex web presence, entering art shows, entering juried shows at local galleries, and, most importantly, bringing as much passion into my work as I can.  I would hope this passion translates through my designs and, in turn, my art finds a beautiful home. 

Do you have any marketing ideas that have worked for you?  I would love to glean any new and fresh ideas.

I hope you find this day to be a ‘marketing’ success … Enjoy L !