Tag Archives: Improv Boston

{Laughter} Get Your Fest On!

26 Mar

Don’t you just LOVE it when you laugh so hard that tears are brought to your eyes?  It’s one of my favorite emotions.  There is a freeing elation, a unique sparkle that you feel to your core when that moment is understood.  It seems your whole outlook on life is altered in a positive way … you feel loved, you feel happy, you feel alive!  What events or avenues bring that deep belly laugh to your lips?  Hmmmm … it’s usually at vary random times for me.  My husband when he over pronounces the l and b in ‘album’ {totally cute}, reminiscing with my sisters about childhood pleasures, or when I get together with my girl friends are all milieus for a laughter fest.  I am hoping to attend one of those ‘fests’ this weekend … you are cordially invited to attend too! *wink*

Maybe some of these will tickle your laughter fest … Enjoy L!

Dan Smith – Comedian, Writer, Producer

Gotham Comedy Club

Improv Boston