Tag Archives: Healing

Dream a Little Dream

27 Mar

What’s the difference between dreams and goals?  One definition of ‘goal’: The purpose toward which an endeavor is directed; an objective.  One definition of ‘dream’:  A condition or achievement that is longed for; an aspiration.  Well, from the formal definitions it seems dreams may or may not come to fruition without set directives.  I always thought the word ‘goal’ was such a cold, structured word, almost to the point of unfeeling yet ‘dream’ was a kinder, gentler way of describing a goal.  In my mind, I think of a dream to take on both meanings above.  Both descriptions go so beautifully together; like ball and glove, or music and lyrics, or canvas and paint.  It’s certainly important not to stay in the ‘dream’ place without having goals written down so you can make your dreams a reality.  I love dreaming about sailing, my next painting, the next adventure with my love and much more.  I know when I have created realistic goals to accompany my dreams I am blessed to say they have all come true!   Dream a little dream today {oh, the possibilities!}  

Some dreamy things for you to share … Enjoy L!

Love and Relationships

Self Understanding

You and Your Life

Summer Breeze

4 Mar

As the spring and summer months approach us here in New England (and boy, do I need some natural vitamin D!) I think about the feelings that surround those months for me.  I was such a ‘tom-boy’ when I was in elementary school.  I loved climbing trees, making discoveries in the woods behind my house, riding bikes and skateboards and, most of all, lying in the grass on a warm summer day looking up at the blue sky filled with puffy white clouds and daydreaming away.  The smells of the fresh cut grass, the warm breeze against my cheek, and the sounds of the birds happily singing to one another – all was right and free and good with my world. 

I think about those happy memories of long ago and, in turn, I am filled with happiness today.  Do you ever notice how easily it is to remember the sad, unpleasant moments in your life?  The goods moments just seem to vanish in the haze of our minds.  I make a very conscious effort every day to bring all of the good memories to the forefront of my mind and let go of the unpleasant ones into that warm breeze of summer.  Then every day I can live in all that is right and free and good with the world around me.

Some of my favorite summer tunes to get you in the ‘summer mood’ … Enjoy!

Summer Breeze

Here Comes The Sun


Art * Heal * Smile

2 Mar

Do you remember opening up a new, large Crayola crayons box?  Smelling the new contents, admiring the brilliant colors, using the soft yet sharp new points and feeling the softness of the paper wrappers?  When you put that crayon to paper nothing stopped you from creating a work of art.  Whatever came to your mind was all good and true.  What you drew with those colors was the most beautiful creation in the world!  You felt happy!  Art therapy brings out those blissful, care-free, enjoyable, child-like feelings which can translate into healing.  What is art therapy?  It is the use of creative activities related to the visual arts to improve physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual well-being.   When you engage in the creative process of an art therapy session, it can lead to self awareness and understanding and, in turn, can assist in the healing process.  When you simply take the time to admire a beautiful piece of art the feelings that are evoked sometimes make a tremendous difference in how we live and think.  You may even reduce stress by actively or visually partaking in the arts.  Art is admired and created every day.  I am thankful it also brings healing to many amazing people as well.

Here is an article about the healing qualities of art and some of my favorite art suppliers … Enjoy!

Art Therapy

Jerry’s Artarama

CC Lowell