Tag Archives: Chip Heath

{I} Live the Good Sticky

12 Apr

What makes good ideas or concepts ‘stick’?  Stick in the minds of the masses.  There have been lots of business books, seminars and video programs on that very question.  I am fascinated by the phenomenon and inspired by the possibilities of what ‘could be’ when you put your heart and soul into an entrepreneurial project.  The one ‘good sticky’ I don’t hear a lot about is humility.  Ok, here is where my mind is going … when you put your modest self into a project I think that positive thought process comes out and is reflected in your end result and, in turn, you have a better chance to make your project or idea ‘stick’.   Here is an example;  you have a great new invention, you engineer the design, but market your design with the pure thought of ‘making tons of money’ and ‘telling people that didn’t believe in you to go ____ themselves’ … ummmm not a good thing.  I believe people can ‘feel’ the negativity that surrounds that ‘end result’ and will shy away from it.  Yes, we all want to be a success.  Yes, we all want to have the freedom to live our lives as we wish.  But it can be done in a positive, humble way which can only benefit you and others … a win, win ‘good sticky’!

I hope you create many great, new possibilities today everyone and here are a couple of books that I have on the subject … Enjoy L!

Made To Stick

The Tipping Point  

Today Matters