Tag Archives: Books

The Unusual Housewife

6 Apr

Embracing the ‘real you’, that’s what I’m all about theses days.  I have discovered the ‘real me’ totally dislikes some of the a-typical housewife stuff and finally, after many years, I have become totally at peace with that part of my life!  Like cooking for example – can I cook, of course, but I dislike the act of cooking.  Maybe it’s the science of the task … or maybe it’s being alone in the kitchen … or maybe it’s a combination of a lot of not so great memories, whatever the reason I just dislike cooking.  I always thought I ‘had’ to like it, that something was terribly wrong with me.  I’m a wife and mom who unconditionally loves her family so why don’t I enjoy cooking for them?  So after years of soul-searching I discovered that wife + mom + cooking doesn’t = love.  I don’t have to enjoy cooking or be a great cook to love and care for my family.  I care for them in so many other ‘Lisa’ ways {and they seem to like my mommyness *wink*}.  Yes, thankfully I have a husband who is an Executive Chef by career so he takes care of our bellies {it’s wonderful to have someone who can complete you}.  Are there times in my life that I have to do things that I dislike … yes absolutely, but when I have embraced my ‘real self’ and understand my dislikes I think the task at hand isn’t so terrible.   Then I become a better ‘me’ and can use my innate gifts in a more complete way to love and care for everyone around me!  So …

Be your be,

You your you,

for that is all good and true!


Here are some great books you might … Enjoy L!

{thank you everyone for supporting my little book shop … so very grateful!}

Be Happy

Enjoy Life


Sum, Sum, Summer Time!

31 Mar

I know, I know it is barley Spring but when I look out my window and see the bright sun, summer time just pops into my head!  There are so many wonderful activities that I enjoy during the Spring and Summer months in New England.  Biking on the rail trails, hiking the awesome mountains, soaking up the rays by the ocean’s side, driving on a surprise adventure with my love, feeling the breeze against my cheeks on a sailboat and the list goes on!  I like to re-create, re-live and re-invent adventures of the past as well.  Exempli gratia; reflecting on my fondness for lying in the grass on a warm summers day as a young person turns into lying in the grass on a warm summers day reading to my love with our puppy Tawnie Brie bopping about with her pink bounciness.  The joys of drinking in the summer sun are intensified by the groovy memories of my childhood and it’s all so good!  Do you have a favorite summer pastime you will enjoy this year?     

Some of my summer pastimes … Enjoy L!

Summertime Reading

Biking Rail Trails

Anchorage by The Sea

Walking {My Body Says Thank You}

29 Mar

As I get older it gets harder and harder to move my body to keep fit.  My life is so full {all good} but it’s hard to fit one more thing into my day.  I know how important it is to exercise your heart yet I seem to skip that part every day coming up with some excuse why I can’t go for a walk, do some yoga or stretch into some Pilates.  When I do focus on calisthenics I feel that other parts of my life get pushed aside.  I need to remember it’s all about balance – to manage my activities based on family, health, career and friends.  I feel so much more alive when I can move my body for about an hour.  I think I am more productive, happy and focused and, in turn, end up getting more accomplished than I realize.  All aspects of my life are essential but without my body I can’t enjoy any of those significant moments.  Ok, let’s get moving … *wink*

Here are some inspirational life and walking books you might … Enjoy L!

A Life in Balance

Guide to Walking

A Walk in the Woods

My Silly Life View

28 Mar

Do you know the song ‘Silly Love Song’ by Paul McCartney?  I was listening to this song the other day and thought … hmmmm I do believe this is how I feel most of the time.  I look at life with such a child-like, romantic view … some would say it is a ‘silly life view’.  I am tremendously optimistic most of the time always looking at the glass half full so to speak.  So what’s wrong with living in a silly love song every day?  I wish more people could experience the pure joy of living a sanguine life.  Yes, I am totally and completely in love with my husband but I think that love is magnified by my desire to live simply in love with life.  Don’t be shy … go ahead and live a silly love song!

Here are some {not so silly} books you might … Enjoy L!

Love Is A Mix Tape

The Other Side of Desire

The Secret

Dream a Little Dream

27 Mar

What’s the difference between dreams and goals?  One definition of ‘goal’: The purpose toward which an endeavor is directed; an objective.  One definition of ‘dream’:  A condition or achievement that is longed for; an aspiration.  Well, from the formal definitions it seems dreams may or may not come to fruition without set directives.  I always thought the word ‘goal’ was such a cold, structured word, almost to the point of unfeeling yet ‘dream’ was a kinder, gentler way of describing a goal.  In my mind, I think of a dream to take on both meanings above.  Both descriptions go so beautifully together; like ball and glove, or music and lyrics, or canvas and paint.  It’s certainly important not to stay in the ‘dream’ place without having goals written down so you can make your dreams a reality.  I love dreaming about sailing, my next painting, the next adventure with my love and much more.  I know when I have created realistic goals to accompany my dreams I am blessed to say they have all come true!   Dream a little dream today {oh, the possibilities!}  

Some dreamy things for you to share … Enjoy L!

Love and Relationships

Self Understanding

You and Your Life

For the Love of Reading

23 Mar

I recently became awakened to my LOVE for collecting books!  Sailing, art, fiction, business, picture it doesn’t matter, the feel, smell and the content … it’s all good!  I’m collecting picture books for my ‘someday’ grandchildren, collecting art books for reference and beauty, collecting business books for inspiration and sailing books, well, for my pure love!  I pick one up every once in a while and thumb through the beautiful pages reading about the wonders within the bound folio before me.  Some days I bring my favorites out in the sunshine, lie in the grass and drink in the sensation of the written word.  Just the act of stopping … being … and relaxing in the expression seems to almost be a lost art.  Do you have a favorite book or genre?  Do you enjoy more than the contents and go beyond into the experience of reading?  So many wonderful books, so little time to read them … well, off to my next ‘reading’ adventure!

Thank you for visiting my book shop!  If you don’t see a book that fancy’s you, please let me know and I will be happy to add it to my store … Enjoy L !   


11 Mar

It is always so hard for me to start a project!  Why is that?  Whether it is an art project, home project, graphic design project or any other kind of project – I just find it so tough to make the steps to actually begin.  I have the project planed out in my head, I have full understanding of the project, I approach each project with love and the desire to complete it successfully yet the mystery lies in the actual motion of the ‘start’.  Once I have begun the task at hand I am good to go.  The project flows and is usually completed in success.  As I pondered this attribute in myself I wonder if the problem arises with the perfectionist trait I believe I carry.  It’s funny, my nature radiates non-perfection.  I don’t live my life wondering if people like me or my work, I don’t live my life making choices based on popular option, I don’t live my life pleasing others, but I do create high expectations of myself.  So how do I let go of all the high expectations and move to a place where I can simply say ‘hey, Que sera, sera’? Daily practice in thinking outside myself and more focus on the fun, blissful, thrilling, passionate attributes of the project I have before me.  Sounds like a plan!  Ok, now, let’s get started!

Here are some books that you might … Enjoy!

Choosing Simplicity

The Little Book of Calm

Beachcombing at Miramar