Tag Archives: Birds

The Serendipity Moment

4 May

Today I was curled up on my couch with a delicious glass of red wine and as I gazed out our French doors I was blessed with a beautiful serendipity moment …

We have a bird feeder on our deck {mostly in remembrance of my Grandma who absolutely loved watching birds} and I was watching the glorious array of birds eating from our feeder.  Then, as my gaze fell into focus, a male and female cardinal approached the eatery.  The brilliant colored male guided his {wife} to the feeder and then landed himself on the railing.  He waited … made sure his partner was safe and secure … then began to eat the remnants on the deck floor.  He left the ‘good seed’ for his lovely mate.  He flew off a couple of times to land on a nearby branch to keep watch over his love as she remained satisfying her hunger.  When a potential marauder tried to approach, he was right there protecting his partner, making sure she is was not harmed in any way.  This event brought tears to my eyes.  The natural, innate instincts of our wildlife is one of the most beautiful things a person can witness.  A mother giving birth, a bear protecting her cub, an acorn sprouting in the wild … all exquisite reminders that we are but a speck in this wonderful world.

Eyes wide open … may you experience a serendipity moment of your own today!

Artfully Yours, L