Tag Archives: Balance

Walking {My Body Says Thank You}

29 Mar

As I get older it gets harder and harder to move my body to keep fit.  My life is so full {all good} but it’s hard to fit one more thing into my day.  I know how important it is to exercise your heart yet I seem to skip that part every day coming up with some excuse why I can’t go for a walk, do some yoga or stretch into some Pilates.  When I do focus on calisthenics I feel that other parts of my life get pushed aside.  I need to remember it’s all about balance – to manage my activities based on family, health, career and friends.  I feel so much more alive when I can move my body for about an hour.  I think I am more productive, happy and focused and, in turn, end up getting more accomplished than I realize.  All aspects of my life are essential but without my body I can’t enjoy any of those significant moments.  Ok, let’s get moving … *wink*

Here are some inspirational life and walking books you might … Enjoy L!

A Life in Balance

Guide to Walking

A Walk in the Woods