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Calling to Deep Love

16 May

Every day, every moment, every second {whether we are consciously seeking it} we all are ‘calling’ or looking for that deep, true love.  Our souls just innately seek it … it’s a natural yearning.  We all want to feel loved, wanted and appreciated by our family, friends, neighbors and partners.  Yet we sometimes forget that our hearts have to be truly open to receiving this precious gift first.  If we hold hatred, envy, jealousy, greed or any other negative thought or emotion in our minds then we truly cannot be open to receiving the purity that is love.  It’s like trying to mix oil and water.  Every day I remind myself that there is much, much more than just little ol’ me in this world.  There are people who desire to be noticed, who need a smile returned, who need to know they are appreciated beyond words.  I call to deep love for myself so I can spread that love to the people around me and, in turn, hope they can spread some love to others.  May deep love shine on you today and wrap you in her loving arms.

Artfully Yours, L

Look … There’s Inspiration!

10 May

Don’t you just love it when your mind is open to the inspiration around you?  The conversation you are having with a friend, the ocean breeze that caresses your face, the random act of kindness you witness or the beauty from a quiet forest.  Inspiration surrounds us everyday yet we are sometimes so busy to open our eyes to the wonders around us.  We miss the beautiful moments that could change our careers, uplift our relationships or motivate us to create a great masterpiece.   Now and again I wish my wonderment could be ‘on’ more often.  Be alive in the experiences instead of feeling overwhelmed by the tasks around me.  Today I feel grateful that my eyes are open so I can appreciate and fully see the inspirations around me in this moment.  I will take those feelings and create something awesome with them … even if it’s to bring a smile to someone’s heart!

Will you inspire today or drink in an inspiration?  I hope I can do both … Whooo Hooo!!!!

Artfully Yours, L 

A Healthy Living Story

6 May

Once upon a time there was a girl who lived her life {clean}.  She didn’t smoke (she never quite understood the attraction) or drank hard liquor (but for the occasional glass of red wine) or ate terribly (her nutrition plan was right for her).  She would move her body everyday whether it was walking, yoga, kickboxing, rock climbing or bicycling.  She enjoyed the feeling of euphoria and the company she was with while she participated in the ‘moving’ activities.  She spent her days being responsible for her family thru career and love.  In her quiet way she was moving through life as unassuming as possible.  One day she asked herself a questions, ‘Could all this healthy living really mean something?’  She was approaching 50 years young so started to reflect on her life and health choices.  Then one day, as she was having dinner with her family at a local restaurant, she received her answer.  As her daughter and son-in-law placed their adult beverage drink order she placed an order for a glass of red wine herself.  ‘May I see your ID’s?’ said the waitress to her daughter and son-in-law.  Then the waitress turned to the girl and said, ‘May I see yours as well?”  She was frozen in bewilderment … me?  She looked up and the waitress was totally serious.  Oh wait, she didn’t have her ID to show the waitress {hey, who would have thought she would need it to order a glass of wine}.  She told the waitress that she didn’t have her ID but could probably guess she was old enough for an adult beverage by looking at her daughter’s ID.  The waitress had paid the girl a wonderful compliment on how very young she looked and the table of dear family members all concurred.  Well, the girl’s question was answered.  Yes, healthily living not only is good for the soul but dose the body good as well! 

The End

Artfully Yours, L

{I} Live the Good Sticky

12 Apr

What makes good ideas or concepts ‘stick’?  Stick in the minds of the masses.  There have been lots of business books, seminars and video programs on that very question.  I am fascinated by the phenomenon and inspired by the possibilities of what ‘could be’ when you put your heart and soul into an entrepreneurial project.  The one ‘good sticky’ I don’t hear a lot about is humility.  Ok, here is where my mind is going … when you put your modest self into a project I think that positive thought process comes out and is reflected in your end result and, in turn, you have a better chance to make your project or idea ‘stick’.   Here is an example;  you have a great new invention, you engineer the design, but market your design with the pure thought of ‘making tons of money’ and ‘telling people that didn’t believe in you to go ____ themselves’ … ummmm not a good thing.  I believe people can ‘feel’ the negativity that surrounds that ‘end result’ and will shy away from it.  Yes, we all want to be a success.  Yes, we all want to have the freedom to live our lives as we wish.  But it can be done in a positive, humble way which can only benefit you and others … a win, win ‘good sticky’!

I hope you create many great, new possibilities today everyone and here are a couple of books that I have on the subject … Enjoy L!

Made To Stick

The Tipping Point  

Today Matters 

Everyone is Important

3 Apr

I had the honor of participating in the celebration of the 80th birthday of a friend over the weekend.  I entered this beautiful home filled with warm, welcoming smiles and spent the afternoon ‘listening’.  I just love getting to know people, listening to their stories and appreciating the person that is before me.  Every person has wisdom and life stories to share and each story is all good and right because it’s theirs!    You can learn so much about the beauty of a person by simply just listening.  Yes, you may not agree with their political views … that’s ok.  Yes, you may not enjoy their career path … that’s ok.  Yes, you may not see eye to eye on a topic … and yes, that’s ok.  What the person before you has to share is a gift especially for you!  Yes, and that gift is a piece of them for you to share in a positive way with others!  If you open your mind and heart to understanding their point of view … wow, you can grow so much as an artist, accountant, doctor, musician, chef {whatever your passion is} and, in turn, inspire others with your new found wisdom.    I’m ready!  Bring on the celebration of … Everyone!

{Poof} And It’s Gone

30 Mar

Ok, raise of hands … who out there has been working on a computer project either on your desktop or via remote and ‘poof’ it just disappears!  When you mistakenly press the backspace button as your text is highlighted at least you can press ‘undo’ or in most cases software automatically saves so you can recover some items … but, when working on a remote server sometimes those numinous gnomes tiptoe in to capture your work {just for fun} and take it away to their hidden gnome world, well, *huge sigh* there are no words.  Last night I was working on a project in a free trial software and after reading all the guidelines and after at least 6 hours of work on the project ‘poof’ all of my work … gone to gnomeville!  Apparently I didn’t find the tiniest of fine print that told me I shouldn’t waste my time creating this project because a free trial doesn’t necessarily mean you can fully use the project’s tools … ahhhhhh!  My husband said I handled the situation very gracefully *wink* but, unfortunately I have to start the project all over again and, most importantly, I cannot get my precious time back.  On the positive side, I did go for a long walk yesterday … whooo hoooo!

Have a great day and stay on the lookout for those ‘cute’ gnomes!  Enjoy L!

Wearing the Sleepless Sky

14 Mar

**Huge Yawn**  I     need     some     caffeine     desperately!   Tossed and turned, turned and tossed all night long with maybe two hours sleep.  I am definitely wearing my sleepless hat (or in 70’s slang ‘my sky’) today.   Thankfully I am one who gets her nightly eight hours a sleep pretty regularly.  For some people, that is a gift that comes but very rarely… *sigh*  Our bodies need to power-down to re-gain the energies to face life’s journeys but how can we rejuvenate when our brain is saying … ‘hey, let’s keep on truckn’.   Last night my creative brain was working overtime with art, writing and multi-media ideas dashing around looking for a place to shine in the light.  I tried counting the cute, fluffy sheep … nope … I tried watching the TV to relax my mind … nada … I even tried walking around the house … alas … not a wink was gifted to me.  This morning I am surprisingly awake and ready to face my day … thank goodness for my caffeinated tea!

If you are trying to catch your ‘sandman’, here are some sleep bits and pieces … Enjoy L !

Chamomile Tea

Sleep Ideas

Tossin’and Turnin’- Bobby Lewis 1961

The Reflecting Walk

13 Mar

Walking along the street the other day I came across a man probably in his 70’s walking his round, happy dog.  I stopped and chatted with him for a bit – mostly small talk about the weather.  His smile comforted me, his heart was gentle and he seemed like he had a lifetime of stories to share to whoever was willing to listen.  As we parted ways, I continued on my ‘exercise’ walk thinking about this gentle, older man and if he had someone he was walking home too.  Will he go home to an empty house?  Does he have friends who will keep him company when he is lonely?  Well, I know his faithful companion, who was probably 70’s in doggie years too, keeps him company but is that enough, I thought.  I have always had an affinity for the elderly.  They have so many life stories and wisdoms to share with us and sometimes I think they just get forgotten about – lost in the shuffle of life.  When moments present themselves, I drink in every second I can with someone older than myself… my Mom or Dad, a family friend, or even a stranger on the street.  I hope in some small way I can let them know … ‘you matter and you are loved!”

Here are some ideas to reach out to your local wisdom-filled people … Enjoy!

Adopt a Grandparent

Assisted Living Resource

Helping Ideas