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Pursuing the Ideas {I} Love

11 Apr

Sometimes I run out of {metaphoric} breath trying to catch all the ideas that are running around in my head.  I think of a design, get excited about creating it to fruition then, oh, wait, here comes another idea … and the chase is on.  *wink* I end up with 20 ideas in my head, out of breath {well just figuratively} and not enough time to create all of them.  How do I pick and select the ones to focus on? All are good and exciting.  I think creative people always see the wonderfulness in almost everything around them which makes it difficult to focus on one of the greatnesses.  I sometimes get a bit frustrated and feel like I haven’t accomplished anything because I have too many ideas I’m chasing.  So here is my little ‘Lisa’ solution that has worked for me … I simply write all of my ideas in my creative journal (that’s the catching them part), then , depending on my time during any particular day, I focus on just one idea.  Now, here’s the secret … I have to be HAPPY with my choice for the day.  Let the fact I didn’t get to everything be ok!  I will eventually get to that project … hey, I’m only one girl.  Sounds simple but the ‘letting go and being ok’ plan is the toughest part. 

How do you pursue all of your ideas? 

Make your day a happy one … the ‘production’ of the day will fall into place and be good!

Enjoy L!

The Art of Music

1 Apr

As an artist I am continually inspired by not only other artists but by the creativity thru different mediums as well.  I use a paintbrush, ink, canvas, paper and keystrokes to create but other artists use clefs, rests and C Major Scales to move your passion.  I hold a great deal of admiration for the artist musician mostly because I can’t sing a lick or begin to understand music theory.  Music is a very big part of my life and inspires me every day!  I think when you can’t fully create something you love you hold the designing path with a higher regard.  I listen to all genres of music and mostly select my ‘music for the moment’ based on the activity I am completing.  Painting – 70’s rock baby!  Writing – those Great American Songbook Crooners!  Cleaning – I get down to Motown!  It’s tough to pick my favorite genre they are all so awesome! 

What type of music turns you on? 

Hope your day is filled with lots of love ‘notes” thru the art of music!   

Some of my favorite songs … Enjoy L!

70’s Rock

The Great American Songbook
