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A Healthy Living Story

6 May

Once upon a time there was a girl who lived her life {clean}.  She didn’t smoke (she never quite understood the attraction) or drank hard liquor (but for the occasional glass of red wine) or ate terribly (her nutrition plan was right for her).  She would move her body everyday whether it was walking, yoga, kickboxing, rock climbing or bicycling.  She enjoyed the feeling of euphoria and the company she was with while she participated in the ‘moving’ activities.  She spent her days being responsible for her family thru career and love.  In her quiet way she was moving through life as unassuming as possible.  One day she asked herself a questions, ‘Could all this healthy living really mean something?’  She was approaching 50 years young so started to reflect on her life and health choices.  Then one day, as she was having dinner with her family at a local restaurant, she received her answer.  As her daughter and son-in-law placed their adult beverage drink order she placed an order for a glass of red wine herself.  ‘May I see your ID’s?’ said the waitress to her daughter and son-in-law.  Then the waitress turned to the girl and said, ‘May I see yours as well?”  She was frozen in bewilderment … me?  She looked up and the waitress was totally serious.  Oh wait, she didn’t have her ID to show the waitress {hey, who would have thought she would need it to order a glass of wine}.  She told the waitress that she didn’t have her ID but could probably guess she was old enough for an adult beverage by looking at her daughter’s ID.  The waitress had paid the girl a wonderful compliment on how very young she looked and the table of dear family members all concurred.  Well, the girl’s question was answered.  Yes, healthily living not only is good for the soul but dose the body good as well! 

The End

Artfully Yours, L

Walking {My Body Says Thank You}

29 Mar

As I get older it gets harder and harder to move my body to keep fit.  My life is so full {all good} but it’s hard to fit one more thing into my day.  I know how important it is to exercise your heart yet I seem to skip that part every day coming up with some excuse why I can’t go for a walk, do some yoga or stretch into some Pilates.  When I do focus on calisthenics I feel that other parts of my life get pushed aside.  I need to remember it’s all about balance – to manage my activities based on family, health, career and friends.  I feel so much more alive when I can move my body for about an hour.  I think I am more productive, happy and focused and, in turn, end up getting more accomplished than I realize.  All aspects of my life are essential but without my body I can’t enjoy any of those significant moments.  Ok, let’s get moving … *wink*

Here are some inspirational life and walking books you might … Enjoy L!

A Life in Balance

Guide to Walking

A Walk in the Woods