Be Nice {Period}

18 May

My office resides on a very busy street and in rush hour …bumper to bumper traffic.  The other day I was leaving my office and managed to pull out of the parking lot fairly easy {not a simple task}.  As I made my way home I noticed someone else trying to creep out onto the heavily populated street.  I slowed down and flashed my lights to give the ok to pull out in front of me {fully knowing how difficult this task is daily} and the car behind me blared their horn in disapproval!  “No way!” I thought to myself.  I then began to … question.  If this horn loving person has ever tried to pull out onto this street at this time of day would they be more understanding?  What did this simple gesture cost them?  Would a few seconds of time to take your foot off the accelerator be that terrible?  Why oh why can’t we just ‘be nice’ to each other?  Be courteous, be thankful, be generous to our fellow peeps.  We are all just trying to make it in this life together … right?  I guess I will never be able to fully answer this question.  All I can do, all I desire to do … is to be nice!

Have a ‘nice’ day everyone!

Artfully Yours, L

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