Look … There’s Inspiration!

10 May

Don’t you just love it when your mind is open to the inspiration around you?  The conversation you are having with a friend, the ocean breeze that caresses your face, the random act of kindness you witness or the beauty from a quiet forest.  Inspiration surrounds us everyday yet we are sometimes so busy to open our eyes to the wonders around us.  We miss the beautiful moments that could change our careers, uplift our relationships or motivate us to create a great masterpiece.   Now and again I wish my wonderment could be ‘on’ more often.  Be alive in the experiences instead of feeling overwhelmed by the tasks around me.  Today I feel grateful that my eyes are open so I can appreciate and fully see the inspirations around me in this moment.  I will take those feelings and create something awesome with them … even if it’s to bring a smile to someone’s heart!

Will you inspire today or drink in an inspiration?  I hope I can do both … Whooo Hooo!!!!

Artfully Yours, L 

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