I Create Small in a Large Way

5 Apr

I have discovered and have grown to embrace my allure to create small.  What does that mean?  Well, when I paint I can’t seem to organize my designs on a large piece of paper or canvas.  I just can’t think that ‘wide’ if you will {I have much admiration for the artist who can}.  When I write I want things to be simple, to the point and inspirational so haven’t been able to create pages of the written word {I have much admiration for the writer who can}.  On the other hand, I believe my ‘small’ designs or words are ‘large’ in beauty and love!  I create ‘Splendor for Small Spaces’ for that little nook in your home that needs some brightening, for the person who is rushing out the door but needs a little inspiration for the day, for someone with a small home who desires a beautiful ‘small’ piece of art … small creations in a large way!  My wish is to inspire, to cheer on love and to bring joy to the ordinary.  Thank you all for your support in my endeavor!  It is appreciated beyond words!

Enjoy L {of The L Studios}!

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